Yorkshire Classic Motorcycle Club Ltd

We currently organise around 20 trials every year, with competitive classes for all types of British manufactured machines, four strokes to 1965 and two stroke to 1970. Our trials feature eased clubman/rigid routes to suit all standards of rider where appropriate.
A further 'Gentle Route' was introduced for 2022 using white flags. The sections will be designed for beginners,senior, recovering riders and those looking for easier sections and a less taxing day's riding.
Club Events
Championship Trials
A series run over 12 rounds
There are 8 Classes for 2024 on.
1 - Premier (hardest) - 345cc and over
2 - Premier - under 345cc
3 - Intermediate (medium) - 345cc and over
4 - Intermediate - under 345cc
5 - Clubman (easier) - 345cc and over
6 - Clubman - under 345cc
7 - Clubman Historic - any cc
8 - Gentle route (easiest) - any machine to club rules
Classes of machines are set out on the 'Rules' page.
The Captain's Trial
Staged entirely on private land on the historic Castle Carr Estate, a former hunting estate with a faux castle and water gardens. The terrain offers a superb mixture of steep wooded hill sides, rocky gullies and stream sections spread across a wide area. The event consists of 3 laps of 15 sections with catering and trade stands at the start. This events attracts the largest entry on our calendar. Places are limited and entries must be made by post before the event. Due to the nature of the terrain, no 'Gentle route' will be set.
Big Bike Trials
Run over a number of rounds where possible, the competitive classes are limited to pre-unit bikes and large capacity twins nominally over 345cc). Other classes of bikes are welcome on a non-competitive basis, There is one medium/easy route. The Bob Barker Trophy goes to the rider losing the lowest total marks lost in all rounds.
Northern British Bike Championship Round (NBBC)
We run a round of the Northern Bike series. Starting and finishing at the New Quarry House Inn, Cross Roads, near Haworth and called the Barry Pickard Classic Trial. It is a road going trial of around 30 miles crossing lots of Pennine moorland, and is open to all classes of pre 65 four stroke and pre 70 two stroke British machines.
Road Bike and Trail Bike Runs
Despite a full trials calendar, we organise occasional runs out for club members with road bikes new and old and also Trail bike rides.
Classic Bike Show
We organise an annual classic bike show at the New Quarry House Inn, all proceeds and a club donation are shared between the Manor Lands Hospice, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and The Cellar Trust.
Presentation Dinner
We subsidise an annual dinner usually In February or March for club members and partners
where the awards are presented to the club's event class winners.
Christmas Dinner
We organise a Christmas dinner at The Bronte Hotel, Haworth. All club
members and partners are invited.
We publish occasional news letters which are circulated to all members either
by email or snail mail.

The Premier Pre-65 Trials Club